
Best dog breeds for the first Owner in India

Introduction A dog is just not an animal it is the best supportive creatures Animal. dog stay with us without any selfishness and affection. a dog can help with many different a first world war, a german shepherd dog saves 54 Soldiers' life, it is showing the way of a safe zone. Best dog breeds for the first Owner in India  There are many types of dogs breeds in the world. here we show some category-wise the different types of dog which you can easily take care of. list of top 5 dogs breeds : 1 - Labrador Retriever ___ Lab 2 -German shepherd ____GSD 3 -Shi Tzu 4 -Bull Dog 5 -Pug # Labrador Retriever ___ Lab : labrador is a  British breed but nowadays we can easily get  labradors in India.  it is also known as a Lab. it is a Domestic hight between 54cm to 57 cm. its weight Average is under 25 - 36 kg. It's seen in black, white, yellow, chocolate color .it is also used in police, Army. # German shepherd______GSD : Now day german shepherd popular dog breed in
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