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Best dog breeds for the first Owner in India


A dog is just not an animal it is the best supportive creatures Animal. dog stay with us without any selfishness and affection. a dog can help with many different a first world war, a german shepherd dog saves 54 Soldiers' life, it is showing the way of a safe zone.

Best dog breeds for the first Owner in India 

There are many types of dogs breeds in the world. here we show some category-wise the different types of dog which you can easily take care of.

list of top 5 dogs breeds :

1 - Labrador Retriever ___ Lab
2 -German shepherd ____GSD
3 -Shi Tzu
4 -Bull Dog
5 -Pug

# Labrador Retriever ___ Lab :

top 5 dogs breed for first  time owners you should  buy

labrador is a British breed but nowadays we can easily get labradors in India.  it is also known as a Lab. it is a Domestic hight between 54cm to 57 cm. its weight Average is under 25 - 36 kg. It's seen in black, white, yellow, chocolate color .it is also used in police, Army.

# German shepherd______GSD :

top 5 dogs breed for first  time owners you should  buy

Now day german shepherd popular dog breed in India. it is also known as a hight between 55cm to 65 cm. its weight Average is under 22 - 40 kg. It's seen in Tan with black saddle, sable, solid black or is easily Train and performing tasks and following instructions. its smailing power is is also used in police, Army

# Shi Tzu :

top 5 dogs breed for first  time owners you should  buy

Shi Tzu is a Tibetiyan breed. girls prefer first for its cuteness. its height is too small between 20cm to 28 cm. its weight Average is under  4 to 7 kg. There is color in Shi Tzu All are permissible, Often multiple color coats, Gold, Dark/Light Brown, White, Black, White, Grey, Liver/White. They have a soft and long double that will tangle and mat easily if not brushed at least every 2 or 3 days so we need to care more. 

# Bull Dog :

top 5 dogs breed for first  time owners you should  buy

 bulldog is a medium-sized dog breed. The bulldog is a national animal of the United Kingdom. its weight Average is under 18 - 25 kg. its height is too small between 31cm to 40 cm. it is a famous breed in the US.

# Pug :
top 5 dogs breed for first  time owners you should  buy

Pug Dog is a come from china breed. they have charming personalities and they are rarely hight between 25cm to 36 cm. its weight Average is under 6 to 8 kg. there are two types of shapes in their ears, rose & button. it's special best for children they can play with the pub very joyfully.

here is some information about a Dog.

Here You Can Buy GPS Tracker for Dog Location & Activities .....

Also Some Easy Training Tips For Your Dogs......
